SBC Show - 0001
"Stuff and Things"
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The Single Board Computer and Virtual Private Server Show™
SBC Show 0001 - "Stuff and Things"
Release date: 2016-07-20
Running time: 1 hr 13 minutes
mp3 audio, 52.6 MB
Hey There!
It's TJoe™ here from the Code4Sale SwampWërks™ in sunny Destin Florida.
OK! the first boot of the show up on the server, and the
show notes are here
(26 page indexed transcription), or download the certified
PDF (310k), or view the shownotes in a
new clutterfree window.
Please pardon the audio quality as we get things sorted out.
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via SSL, via our
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We also offer the show in the ogg vorbis format
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via ogg-SSL, via our
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For this show, we have a great interview with
creator and chief architech Igor Pečovnik, we present some
buying tips for ARM boards, give a presentation of our
ongoing project Boot Crazy, provide an introduction to virtual private servers,
and we announce the winner of the
ARM board giveway.
Currently, the show is partially served via our NetcastExtreme™ and NetcastReserve™ server
systems, and we are also load balancing the show and feeds partially on an
XU4 ARM board!
Be sure to visit our
g+ community.
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Reboot Sincerly,
Last Modified: 2016-11-21 12:52:05 UTC 2016-11-21 07:52:05 am (-4) - America/New_York 0000DON2TFMW0001
Comments received:
Jonas Rullo: 2016-07-27 12:16 pm CDT
I didn't see a link to Boot Crazy. Where can I check it out?
TJoe: 2016-07-28 09:09 am CDT
Thanks for asking Jonas! I am working on the show notes now, and along with that
some illustrations on how Boot Crazy works. I hope to post them sometime
this weekend. I am sorry it is taking so long to get this done.
Boot Crazy is going to be an on going project, so know that I will also
be posting some shell scripts and further instructions and details for the project
on the next boot of the The Single Board Computer and Virtual Private Server Show™.
Jonas Rullo: 2016-08-02 03:38 pm CDT
I started formatting some cards for Boot Crazy, in the style demonstrated,
and realized I forgot to ask one thing. How about including a list of the SBC
distros/OS's that you know do not require nuke & pave for installation?
Also, do you have experience with any howtos on how to install one of the nuke &
pave systems on a partition without it requiring the "resize" mess?
My use will likely be Kodi/Retropie or the like for dual booting on a single card.
That way I don't need to physically go to the box to change the OS. Since I use
the same TV for both, it's just more convenient. I also don't want to mix my
gaming/emulator setup with the TV setup.
TJoe: 2016-08-05 03:28 pm CDT
Hi Jonas,
Sounds like a good use for Boot Crazy.
I am not sure what you mean about requiring a nuke and pave for installation.
Once an OS is installed to an SD card, it can generally be moved over to the SD
card you want to use for BootCrazy. This includes systems you already have built
on other SD cards.
Installing an OS directly on a "BootCrazy SD" is probably trouble waiting to happen,
since the install may try to resize the SD card during the install, and also
(unlike a non-ARM Linux distro) the installer will probably not ask what partition
you want to install to (it will probably assume the entire SD card).
For that reason, I would be a little afraid to make a list (and try to maintain it).
I think it would be nice if the OS manufactures added a file in boot area of the install
named '' (that you could delete if you didn't want that). Same goes with SSH and
the other stuff that gets added.
One quick word of warning (that we will be addressing on the show): OS updates may
sometimes rewrite the boot files (and may hard code them to boot to the default partition).
This is rare, but I have seen it happen on ODROID updates (they now display a prompt
telling you when that happens).
After a OS update, I always take a quick look at the boot.ini (or whatever it is called for
the system), just to make sure.
In our shell scripts (that should post with the next show), updating the boot files for
updates is handled automatically. We simply track what partition goes with the current
boot partition, and copy it's current files out to the right place, before we replace
them to boot to the partition you desire.
Overall, I have had very good luck adding many different systems to our BootCrazy SD cards.
I recall OSMC giving me a little trouble (requiring an additional tweak), and I want
to recall that we even booted Android on the system.
FiftyOneFifty: 2016-08-07 08:53 pm CDT
Thanks for the new show, I though it was really fun and informative, though you
have given me a new task, building Armbian and doing an HPR on it. Also looking
forward using Boot Crazy. I came across this link for the ODroid XU2/3 on the
forums while looking for images for the U2. [I grabbed one while Ameridroid had
refurbs on sale a month ago. It's not as fast as current gen SBCs for the same
price, but I always thought the case as a heat sink design was one of the sexiest
form factors I've seen.] Anyway, the dev is doing something similar to what you
are doing except he only pulled kernel images for the XU2 and XU3.
I was going to study his work to extrapolate it to other SBCs, glad to find you
are saving me the effort :)
I never thought much about some images for a given board implement hardware
acceleration better than others. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, though
I suspect the images with the best performance will contain the most binary blobs.
Jon: 2016-09-25 11:42 am CDT
Great start TJoe! Great content. Can't wait for the next show!
RKiline: 2016-11-24 09:53 pm CST
I hope you're going to be able keep producing this show but if not please keep going on Linux Lugcast. I appreciate your insights
TJoe: 2016-11-25 03:07 pm CST
I know it looks like I podfaded , but please do not give up, a new show is in the works!
It is true, I did get over extended with projects such as OLF, so I will accept responsibility
for being late with the next episode.
The first show was a test for the delivery system (we wrote the code for everything from scratch).
Turns out, the intenet is not such a nice place anymore, and Little Kitten and I want to
make sure all our ducks are in a row with all our code changes before we add any
new shows. We have both been working overtime on that endevor, and hope to start adding
new content right after Thanksgiving (oh my, that was yesterday - we are late already).
In short, please stay tuned!
I really enjoy attending the Linux Lug Cast (I missed two episodes - I really am way over extended).
Thank you for the complement!
Know that reminders are in my calandar (first and third mondays at 9:00PM EST) at , and I will attended
whenever possible (I work 7 days a week, often 18 to 60 hours a day, so some leeway is
required on that - I do try my best).
Thanks for writing! I am still at the helm.
KWisher: 2016-12-02 11:14 am CST
When can we expect another podcast?
TJoe: 2016-12-01 05:31 pm CST
Please see my reply to RKiline above. I expect in the next week, know I am juggling as fast as I can.
Thanks for writing! I am still at the helm.
Comments Last Modified: 2016-12-03 23:33:54 UTC 2016-12-03 18:33:54 pm (-4) - America/New_York 0000DON2TFMW0001