Quick FAQ:
What is Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™?
Simply put, no compromise Netcasting for Peanuts™,
with all the bells and whistles!
Netcast Extreme™ TBA.
Netcast Reserve™ TBA.
How might I benefit from the system?
Price, performance, reliability, flexibility, simplicity,
terms of service, and bells and whistles!
Netcast Extreme™ TBA.
Netcast Reserve™ TBA.
What kind of bells and whistles are we talking about?
TBA (but figure that advanced stats, mobile apps, and simple hosting
with show comments will be included at no extra charge).
How much does it cost to host with Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™?
Where are your datacenters?
Our first server chain is comprised of an array of 260
servers located in
New York,
San Francisco,
Why do you use custom written server software?
Security, resources, and speed. We have a few specific tasks
that we want to do really well. We write highly optimized
code for each task that uses a minimum of resources, and runs
as fast as possible. We count the CPU cycles as we write our code,
and our base server currenly weighs only 18 kilobytes per instance.
Since each task gets it's own custom written server, we can
easily eliminate security holes that might have existed in a
general purpose server installation (such as Apache),
where it is very easy to miss something, and where the reams
of source code would be impossible to review. We need to know
are servers are secure, not hope that are servers are secure.
What language is used to code the Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™ servers?
So far, straight "C". The code base is very small,
very tight, very portable, and very fast. In one word: Über
(above, enlightened in the abstract).
What systems will the Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™ server system run on?
Linux, Linux, Linux, BSD, and the pile of old mobile phones over in the
corner (that run a form of Linux).
Yes, we also plan to support OSX and Windows as well.
It is worth noting that we have run the system on a clusters of Raspberry Pi
and Beaglebone Blacks! Yeah, it's really that lightweight, and runs that fast!
Will the Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™ server system be available as open source?
Code4Sale,LLC, (Netcast Reserve™'s owner) is currently evaluating
the best way to release the Netcast Reserve™
and Netcast Extreme™
server systems as open source under a free license that encourages competitive
enterprises, promoting the ideals of sustainable returns and that
there is no such thing as a free lunch (someone always has to pay).
We believe that anyone activly using the source to run server chains
should be able to contribute in some reasonable capacity. To put it
another way, we do love coffee, and we want more than just a few beans
(we like our coffee strong), but we don't expect a bag of Blue Mountain.
The projects will be hosted at
netcastreserve.com and
How can I help?
Thanks for asking! We are always looking for great talent
(such as yourself)! We are in need of web designers, coders,
writers, support personnel, folks to help out in our emerging forums,
anyone good at running an IRC chat server, and someone to
spell check this stuff. Currently, we are on the cheap.
We do believe in Value for Value and we live by the motto
if a deal is not good for everyone involved, then it's not
a good deal. We say what we will do, then we do what we
said we would do. Our word is like gold. If your work ethics
are aligned with these simple principles, and still want to
help, then why not use our
Email Gateway Form
to send us a message, and perhaps we can work something out
to get you on the team!
Are you going to have cool Powered By badges?
Yes! We would be very pleased for current customers to proudly display
our badges (according to the license terms). Thank You for asking!

How about a referral program?
Sorry. Not at these prices. We have to keep the lights on, and
our operation model is designed to ensure just that. It matters
not if we have one, two, or thousands of users.
If you want to give us a referral, we Thank You! And we only want
referrals because we earned it - the hard way!
Why so cheap? Why so many features?
Is it pronounced Netcast Reserve™ (as in a reservation)
or Netcast Re-serve™ (as in re-serving leftovers)?
Yes! Both! Our official stance is that we would like the term to
enter the arena in a manor similar to the GIF format, and become a
matter of great debate and friendly argument. So pick your side!
Who is Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™?
Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™ is owned by
Code4Sale, LLC,
a Florida based Limited Liability Company, that was
the brainchild of
Joe C. Hecht, A.K.A
TJoe, A.K.A Jose Cozumel Hexagon.
Joe holds the position of Lead Engineer at
Code4Sale, LLC, who currently owns Joe's online persona,
and has first rights to all of his thoughts.
OK, so who is Joe C. Hecht?
Thats a loaded question! Ready for a partial answer?
Joe C. Hecht
has been programming kernel mode drivers, graphics systems, compilers,
and graphics software since 1985. If you own a computer, have ever played a
graphics based computer game, have printed anything, received a CAT scan,
or are analysing photographs taken from spy satellites, chances are
very good you have used some of Joe's code.
Joe has participated in the scribing of many textbooks, articles, and white papers
on the subject of Computer Programming (over 700 to date), was a contributing
author for The Windows Tech Journal, and a ghost writer for many popular
books about Windows programming.
Some of Joe's software works include the award winning Type Studio
and Effects Specialist, OptiScript, and the GXLib.
Joe was a engineer for many of the early gaming and animation engines used in
the computer and entertainment industry, including some used by Warner Brothers
and Disney Interactive. Joe was a engineer for
7th Level's
Top Gun engine that powered popular releases such as
Ace Ventura,
Battle Beast,
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games,
Howie Mandel's Tuneland,
Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time,
Monty Python's Quest_for_the_Holy_Grail,
Monty Python's Meaning_of_Life.
Joe has worked with top artist in the entertainment industry including Howie
Mandel, Monty Python, David Gilmour (Pink Floyd), Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin),
and Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden). Joe participated in the first 3rd party Windows
print drivers, and is well known contributor and author for many of the PostScript
interpreter and PDF engine projects in use to date. He has authored or contributed
to many of the Windows Monolithic print drivers used by major printer manufactures.
His work early work, papers, and postings on DLL frameworks and RTTI (Runtime Type
Information) is sometimes credited as the seed for Microsoft's ActiveX and COM
(Component Object Model) Technologies.
Joe is a former Senior Borland engineer hailing from the Delphi group,
and has spent far too much time in his life writing ISAPI DLL frameworks.
In 2010, it was roughly estimated that Joe's code has been deployed to
over 500 million computer installations.
These days, Joe's time is spent writing low level PDF engine code, Windows
and Unix print drivers, remotely administrating a couple of hundred servers,
and listening to Netcasts. He also occasionally dabbles in mobile development.
Joe loves to program in Delphi, C, PostScript, and Perl. In his younger days,
his hobbies included sailing, aeronautics, and playing the guitar.
It has been suggested (but never proved) that Joe may have been involved in the
creation and funding behind the charitable online persona ZeppinHood.
Past residences include both the islands of St. Thomas and St. John in the
U.S. Virgin Islands, Cozumel Mexico, Redmond Washington, Santa Cruz California,
Idaho Springs Colorado, Rockwall Texas, and aboard the El Deseo de Papa
A.K.A. The Wish of my Papa (father) A.K.A.Poppies Wish.
These days, Joe can be found coding somewhere along the clear, emerald waters of
the Florida Panhandle, with his feet planted firmly into it's white quartz sand.
Joe's favorite charities are known to include the
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
and the
Action for Brazil's Children Trust.
How can I contact Netcast Reserve™ and Netcast Extreme™?
Please use our
Email Gateway Form
to send us a message.
Netcast Reserve™,
Netcast Extreme™,
Netcasting for Peanuts™,
Netcasting for the rest of us™,
Netcasting (for the rest of us)™,
Jose Cozumel Hexagon™,
Coding with TJoe™,
and TJoe™,
are all trademarks of Code4Sale, LLC
Netcast Reserve™ logo COPYRIGHT© 2014 by Len Peralta - used under exclusive license by Code4Sale, LLC - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Netcast Extreme™ logo COPYRIGHT© 2014 by Len Peralta - used under exclusive license by Code4Sale, LLC - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Other trademarks and copyrights are trademarks and copyrights of their respective owners.
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